A box is a six sided unit of limited space. A relationship is a multifaceted bond with endless possibilities. Why do we consistently try to put the obviously larger one into the smaller: Fear; Caution; Unrealized Behavior?  

After carefully analyzing the behavior of myself (yes I admit to being guilty of this in the past) and a few of my female friends, I’ve come to one conclusion: we live in a box and we rely on that box to produce the miracles that we desire. (Side note: such a shame that a healthy relationship these days has to be considered a miracle lol) How can you limit yourself yet expect grand results? How can you pray for a man yet you won’t even expand your extracurricular activities to broaden your scope? Same grocery store, same circle of friends, same hang outs and yet you consistently complain that there are no men in the city that you live in. Wow! Your city is not comprised of the thirty mile radius of comfort that you shell yourself in. Unless you live in Lost Springs, Wyoming, one of the smallest cities in the US. Get out of that box girlfriend. You want an artistic man: start going to art galleries; you like the CEO type: join a professional organization. You consider this chasing a man…not exactly, it’s called positioning yourself or better yet, it’s called stepping out of your box before your box leads you to being forty and desperate, lessening your standards on the daily. I don’t see any men falling from the sky—especially any black men, so where exactly did you think you would run into one if you’ve already weeded out the areas that you frequent? And what do you have to lose? If a man doesn’t find you in your attempt to broadening your scope, at least you would have experienced things beyond your interest, possibly made some business contacts or met a life-long friend or a traveling buddy. You get my drift? There’s nothing to lose with getting out of your box and if you continue living in that limited space then please don’t complain when you find yourself alone—still…